Friday, 12 May 2017

milk monitor trip


Image result for Fonterra milk cartons

             Milk monitor trip

 I dash over to Mrs Hobbs.I thought that my bike tires were going to explode,I thought I was going to explode with excitement.I hear this squealing noise behind me I wonder who it was,i turn around, it was Millie.We all waddle over to the the office like little cute ducklings.Get ready to have the best day ever Mrs Cullen roars. OK everyone head over to the bus screamed Mrs Cullen,rumble rumble the ground started to shack it like a heard of elephants. "Ahh I jump on to the bus I go straight down to the back of the bus.Here we go in to our milk adventure.  
                                      The End 


Environmental changes


                🌲🐼Environmental Changes🐨🌴

            All living things change their own environment like:

           Prairie dogs,termite mounds and beavers.They add to                         environment to make space. Squirrels bury nuts and forget               about them so it forms a tree. Beavers are like                                  engineers beavers make dams so they build better habitats                for other animals.