Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Term 4 Inquiry - Technology

My animal is the little spotted kiwi.

What does my animal need in its enclosure?
water, straw, grass, rocks, leaves, moss, egg shell.

What features did I add just for my animal and how are they helpful?
A nest so it has a place to sleep, shallow small pond for the kiwi to drink out of.

Did I make any changes and why did I decide to do that?

Yes I took away the river and made it into a shallow pond, I changed the three big rocks and changed it TO a path of small rocks and one big rock.                                        

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Bottlenose Dolphins

The Latin name for a bottlenose dolphin is Tursiops truncates. This animal lives in the mammal and fish family.
This dolphin’s short beak creases where it meets the forehead making a shape like the neck of a bottle. That’s part of how they got their name.
Bottlenose dolphins live in the ocean but can be seen jump out of the water. Some dolphins live in dark murky places. 
Bottlenose dolphins eat small fish, eels, catfish, mullet, squid and shrimp.
These cool creatures are awesome acrobats too and can be seen flipping out of the water. They can launch themselves five metres out of the water before crashing back with a splash.

Sadly there are many fishing boats around putting out large fishing net for dolphins to get caught in them.